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研究 Quick liquidity to small businesses could mitigate impacts from coronavirus

JP摩根 追逐 Institute Take

Efforts to provide small businesses relief from impacts of the coronavirus (新型冠状病毒肺炎) p和emic have developed. 城市 like 纽约西雅图 will delay tax collections 和 make low-interest loans available. The Trump Administration has mirrored those proposed solutions, with the President announcing on March 10 that he would ask Congress to increase funding for the Small Business Administration (SBA) lending program to $50 billion.

JP摩根 追逐 Institute Take:

Small businesses tend to have volatile 和 irregular cash flows. Cash liquidity 和 cash flow are critical predictors of small business survival—those with less liquidity 和 irregular cash flows are least likely to keep their doors open. With rapidly unfolding reactions to the coronavirus keeping more 和 more Americans home, this unforeseen event is a cause for concern to the 30.2 million small business owners who make up this key pillar of the U.S. economy, 和 the millions more they employ.

Firms with more of a cash buffer may be best equipped to weather the impacts of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 but JPMC Institute research shows that 50 percent of small businesses have less than 15 cash buffer days, meaning the small business economy could be majorly disrupted by the current climate.

Getting liquidity to small businesses through available policy levers, like delayed tax payments, 奖助金, 或贷款, is the right idea. But doing it quickly is important 和 some of these solutions, like making loans, take time. Delivering with speed is a critical factor that the most effective solutions will need to consider, weighed with targeting to businesses that are least likely to be able to sustain a long-term revenue shock.


Chris Wheat
